chapter 7

Chapter 7 The Volcano of Orcs
The ork’s arrow hit Eaegles, and he dropped into the pit of lava! As he was falling down, his bow shined and bursts of light came out and hitting all the orks down the cliff, Legend Fang came in and caught Eaegles. On a tall mountain Legend Fang placed Eaegles. He shot a green beam in the air, which burst in to glowing green wisps, which laid on Eaegles reviving his wound. He woke up with a scorched tunic, a glowing bow, and an arrow stuck in him, luckily orc arrows could easily got out and would not hurt to much. Eaegles had an idea, he would re design his arrows to look like the dark Elementals of air guarding the sky, because of this the dark Elementals would not notice it as an arrow so they would not run away, and when they notice it is an arrow it’s to late and ounce they are gone, with knowing how to get to the forge and with a dragon at his side he would attack the forge and get the orb, “but wait there is a yellow glow on a nearby mountain which was a lot taller then all the other ones, is that the orb of air, and the dark Elementals are destroying it!”
Eaegles said noticing the high peak. He shot the new arrows it worked, the Elementals did not avoid the arrows. After being shot by enough arrows the Elementals noticed there own kind started killing each other so they attacked each other to keep them selves from dying. He was safe and so was the orb, but it was to risky to get the orb, and the plan was written that Taris would get the orb. Eaegles then prepared his dragon and flew to the forge!

The Fire Elemental finaly had his orb! He could rule the world now, “first I could burn the lost forest, then bread more orcs, and rule the world!” thought The fire elemental. he then blasted fire on a pile of wood and asked the king of the orcs, “burn the forest!”

Eaegles saw hoards of orcs heading to the lost forest, he did not care about them, right now he would do something else. he then saw the Forge of Fire Iron, he saw a misplaced stone, LVI/o}-*XII was on the stone, Eaegles thought he had seen those writings before.

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